Friday, July 6, 2012

Day Eighteen

Update: Cute Guy, Maybe (Not Really) 

A couple days ago I asked Cute Guy what was bothering him. He looked so bummed out. He told me he hates this job. I asked him why he is doing it. Why doesn't he just switch to another department? He is the son of the president of the company for Christ's sake! Today, he and I worked next to each other. I was bagging groceries for him as his customer kept pulling food out of her grocery cart, more than it seemed the cart could hold.

ME: [to Cute Guy] your customer has a clown cart.
CUTE GUY: [stares at me with confusion] What?
ME: Your customer, her cart is like a clown car. Things keep coming out of it.

No "Oh yeah, haha," from CG. Hmm. Not too incredibly bright and he hates this job. Yet, I am not sold on the idea that this is a dumb apathetic guy. Behind his vacant expression is a reason for the way he currently is and of course, I want to know what that is. We talked about plans for the night. I planned to hit the Ritz Carlton in Dallas with my girlfriends. He asked me why. "To wear nice dresses, drink martinis and have fun," I replied. I told him I would surely be hungover the next day and I admitted it wouldn't be the first time. In return, CG admitted to me something as well.

CUTE GUY: Yeah, I drank a little too much last night. I blacked out.
ME: Yikes. How are you feeling now?
CUTE GUY: Fine. I'm used to it.

Awesome. I'm either talking to the male Snooki or there is a reason he drinks to a blacked out state regularly. Our drinking stories have bonded us somehow. After I came back from a break, he asked me how it was. He NEVER engages in a conversation. I always do the talking. He must be getting more comfortable with me.

Children of the Corn

Why today? I saw the worst kid fit ever. A mother was putting groceries on the belt, lastly taking a box of fruit chews away from her 2 year old so I could ring it in. Oh my god. From the moment that box left the little girl's fingers she broke into what I could only describe as a screaming seizure. It began silently, arms flailing and torso whipping around while legs kicked in random directions, then came the scream...a dog murdering, multi-pitched, high scream. If the Nazgul from Lord of the Rings had a baby with a velociraptor, it would sound like this girl. I handed back the fruit chews immediately. The little girl went back to zero. It was impressive and irritating all at the same time.

I reached into my register's jar of organic lollipops and pulled out six of them. Then I waited.

Along came a family with three little kids who picked up everything they could grab and placed these things in different locations. The parents let them do it.


A mom walked up with her six year old son. He began taking food items out of the cart for his mother.

ME: That is so nice! Do you always help your mom like this?
[the boy nodded, the mom smiled]
ME: I love seeing kids help their parents.
MOM: He is a good kid.

After all of the groceries were bagged the mom began to wipe her card. I told the kid that he was going to get a surprise after his mom paid for groceries. I held up all six lollipops and I told the kid to choose whichever one he wanted. He was so happy. He picked the blueberry flavor and said, "Thank you." I thanked him back for being helpful and a well behaved kid.

I only gave out two lollipops during the whole shift.

Update: Crazy Red-Head Vegan

We had a new manager who looked like a young pretty boy. I was taller than him, but he was good looking. I was instantly reminded of what a friend once told me, "Miranda, we are all the same bed." I wasn't into the new manager, but it is always nice to see a good looking face if I have to look at any of the guys here for any reason.

CRV and Sally Spec were diggin' on the new manager hard. They were staring at him up and down. They walked up to my register and told me to check him out with them. I said I can't have a thing for any guy who looks like I babysat him at one point. CRV disagreed.

CRV: Girl, I'm a vegan, but I'd eat that."

Update: Tangly Q

I recognized the girl as soon as I saw her, the cute little toddler who had beautiful spiral curls from one of the first days I had worked at this store. With her was the same mom, but this time her hair didn't look like it was dipped in KY. It was blown out and wavy. Interesting.

ME: [to the little girl] Beautiful hair!
[the mom rolled her eyes]
ME: So how are you doing today ma'am?
[the mom ignores me and swipes her card]
ME: Having a good Friday so far?
[she ignores me again]

I thought about complimenting her hair which I first saw crusted down with gel a few weeks ago, but I chose not to. What an ugly wench. I didn't give a lollipop to this kid and I should have. She was behaving, the only one who didn't deserve a pop was her mother, who I was worried about pissing off. I didn't look at that woman when I handed over the receipt. I smiled at her pretty little daughter instead. I hoped again, that in the future, this little girl would be surrounded by much better people. Otherwise this baby will grow up not realizing how beautiful she really is.

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