JAY: Late much?
ME: I'm working on it!
Jay, my manager-on-duty, didn't care that I was less than two weeks away from leaving the store. Normally I would laugh about it, but I was actually glad that someone still cares about me doing better. It's either that or he feels highly disrespected by my lack of punctuality. Maybe both. I was late because I wanted to sleep as much as possible. I was so happy to get seven hours of sleep last night, but I still had more sleep to catch up on.
Old Lady #15
The store was very busy today and I was getting customers out of my line faster than my usual pace. An old lady bought a few things and her total was $5.70. I almost entered a $57,000 check into my register. It would not have gone through but I thought I would entertain my customer with the idea.
ME: I tried to get you a lot of change.
OLD LADY: How much?
ME: $56,994
OLD LADY: That check would have bounced like a hot potato!
ME: Bounced like a hot potato? I have to find some way to use that phrase!
OLD LADY: You know, I used to think it was a stupid phrase my mother used.
ME: Then you became your mother.
OLD LADY: All women do, no matter how much they fight it.
Storm Cloud
When I went on break, I noticed that one of my friends called. I had not talked to her in a week. I didn't really notice this week go by because my days were getting longer and more busy. I called her back to see what was up. In summary, I found out that an act of kindness on my behalf was viewed as attempted betrayal (she thought I made her look bad). When I assured her I meant no harm and she understood that as a possibility, she still wanted me to acknowledge my indiscretion. I was sorry that she felt so hurt, but I refused to apologize for being nice. In the end, two prideful alpha females refused to submit to the other side's view and our friendship was brought to an end. This painful conversation also took up my entire 15 minute break.
As I went back to work I put my phone in my pocket. This did not go unnoticed by Cake Eyes.
CAKE EYES: You can't have that phone up here, Miranda.
ME: Okay... [I put the phone in my pocket and walked to my register]
After that dismissive response, I slipped my phone into my drawer. "Go ahead, Cake Eyes," I thought, "Try and take my phone away." If she kept grinding my gears any further I was going to cut her head off.
"Calm down," I repeated under my breath. I ran the conversation with my friend over a couple of times in my head. I really tried to see things her way but all I could conclude was that she is insecure. I don't hurt my friends on purpose and I am usually quick to admit when I am wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. I was being punished for being nice. We all reach an age where we decide that we are unwilling to put up with bullshit. I am well past that age. I refused to let this ruin my day. Enter Elvira...
ELVIRA: Be gentle!
Elvira made me realize that I was chucking my customers' fruits and veggies to the bagger after I weighed them. I shook my head at myself. I was mad. I apologized and made a point of not taking my bad day out on the groceries.
Several more customers came through and I was way more careful with grocery items. I called out to Elvira who was one register over.
ME: Look Elvira! I'm being gentle!
ELVIRA: [frowned] Are you making fun of me?
The frown turned into a scowl. Great, now I was back on Elvira's shit list. She had obviously misinterpreted what I said. This wasn't because of her general lack of humor. I thought she and I had made progress. Who else was I going to make mad today? The next couple of hours was like walking on eggshells. Not so much because I was afraid of making anyone mad, but more because I couldn't take anymore negativity or criticism.
A woman came into my line who told me she was going to another store after grocery shopping and was considering buying a freezer bag. I told her to save her money. I went into our freezer to grab a couple small bags of ice to keep certain foods cold and I doubled bagged these cold foods to keep condensation from ruining her car's interior.
WOMAN: Oh my word. Thank you! Has anyone told you you're AWESOME today?
I froze when she said that, staring at her in disbelief.
ME: No. No one has told me that today. Thank you for saying that.
As I tore off her receipt and told this woman, "Have a nice day," tears began to well in my eyes. The next customer came up and the tears were then pouring down my face. As this customer took out his credit card to pay, I crouched down to blot my face dry with a paper towel. It was pointless, as I kept sobbing for two more customers. I had to close my line and walk away. I didn't want to cry in the office or the kitchen. I ran into the foyer and hid behind a tall display of hundreds of water bottles. I sat of the floor and cried for several minutes. Catharsis took over, releasing all the fatigue, anger, stress and imposing hatred from my system--a catharsis I needed to be able to function, triggered by the kind words of that one customer.
Once I felt better I walked back into the store and headed straight for the bulk section. I bought ten dark chocolate covered almonds and walked over to Klepto Sue's line. No one seemed to notice my leaving or question it. Sue made fun of how I only ever bought chocolate from her line. Quite possibly true. I could be known for worse things. Alleged kleptomania aside, Sue was fun to talk to. When things were not busy, she would come around to bag groceries for me.
A baby with a cupcake shirt came along. Angst-y teenagers came by wearing t-shirts that read, "Meh." The old lady who plays pickle ball came in with another matching workout jumpsuit. This time it was neon orange. I met a German lady to whom I got to show off my newly acquired German diction skills. I could tell she was German because she pronounced "still" as "shteel". Almost all of the rest of my customers increasingly put me in a better mood.
I hate to cry, I really do, but the most beautiful thing about crying is that you can really feel that first smile afterward and every smile after that is precious.
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